WTH is Jewish Guacamole, you ask? It's just like your favorite guac, but with hard boiled eggs and gribenes on top! (Amy, these are not latkes!) I know, it's smack in the middle of latke time, and ...
Red Horseradish Deviled Eggs and Red Horseradish German Potato Salad
Doesn't it feel like it was just Passover and now it's the middle of freaking June already? What the heck, right? When Gold's asked me to create a few recipes using their Horseradish and Beets I was ...
Perfect Omelette with Arugula and Gribenes
Okay I pinky swear this is the last recipe I will make with gribenes. At least for now. (I just can't quit you schmaltz!) Next week I start up with Purim recipes, so tune in for cookies and glitter ...
Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Gribenes
Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 30 and the world did not come to an end! It's a miracle! Well, the real miracle is that I survived my 20's unscathed (Barely. It was touch and go from 2007-2009.) ...
How to Make Schmaltz and Gribenes
How to make schmaltz and gribenes from scratch! Helllo! So enough with the healthy New Year's recipes already- let's make some fat! I have had some questions on the ole WJWE Facebook page regarding ...