Bubbe is the Yiddish word for Grandmother. Usually they have flappy arms- not all cute like mine!
Click here for a super fun interview with my Bubbe!
And check out this awesome video where Bubbe and I talk about our Seder!
And here is one more video where I interview Bubbe after her birthday party!
Oh and here is my Mom and Bubbe opening a Mother’s Day gift– it’s a good one!
Here’s my Bubbe with her sassy new cowboy hat. Isn’t she precious??
Mom, Bubbe and me! Twinsies!
Halby Evans says
Besides your sparkle for distinctive Jewish food, this might be the best part of the entire website!
Amy says
Ha I thought so! How freaking adorable is Bubbs?
Metrogrl32 says
Too cute!!
Amy says
Thanks, Cita!
Sofia Jacobsen says
Just added another title to my name!! I am a proud Bubbe!!! Have a bunch of friends that are also!!! But I will not tell then that it means
Amy says
Haha mazel to you and your Bubbe friends!
JD says
Pls post more pics of Bubbe.