Tzimmes. Hard to pronounce, easy to eat. Especially topped with tahini pesto and pomegranate!!! How was your Labor Day?? Did you booze it up, watch football or, like me, actual labor? Whomp. But ...
Eggplant Chips with Tahini Pesto with NoCry Gloves
Not your average lame potato chips! Eggplant chips are healthy, crunchy and super addicting thanks to a tahini pesto dipping sauce! Ooh yeah. I'm always looking for crafty ways to serve my ...
Pesto Hummus Stuffed Mushrooms
Okay so this isn't the prettiest recipe out there, and we all know being pretty is what matters most in life. But they are freaking delicious, easy, and perfect for parties. So delicious, in fact, ...
Pesto Hummus and Whole Wheat Pita Chips
Unlike last year's 4th of July, which I spent reveling in sausages and 40's, this year I took a voyage to the fine state of Vhhirginia to visit my brother. It was lovely! We drank wine at wineries. ...