Sweet Noshings comes out September 5th, and I am celebrating with a big giveaway!! Y'all I'm getting so excited for the launch of Sweet Noshings!  My first cookbook, chock full of modern Jewish ...
Big News! WJWE + ModernTribe = Jewbelation!
Shalom, y'all! Big news. I'm thrilled to introduce myself as the new owner of ModernTribe.com (with my brother Andrew by my side)! I've been a fan of ModernTribe for years. It's my go-to source ...
Boozy (and Fun!) Gifts for Purim
Purim is soon and you know what that means right? Costume parties and debauchery! Two of my favorites. A little Purim recap for you. Esther, a sassy young Jew living in Persia, saves all the Jews from ...